Focus on ME
Maths and English play an important role in students lives and opens doors to opportunities. It is therefore a huge part of every course at the RNN Group of colleges. Students often think of it as a secondary rather than integral part of their studies and Tutors had fed back that they needed something to stand out and make English and maths part of a college wide awareness initiative which would be seen in a positive light.
I designed and came up with the name to give it an identity ‘Focus on ME’. This chimes with the target market of 16-18 year olds having grown up with the selfie culture and plays on that notion. I used bright contrasting colours and made the ME stand out which creates intrigue until you see it up closer to realise what it stands for.
As well as awareness through posters and banners throughout the college, I created some products that the students could use (pens, badges, bookmarks and notebooks) giving added value to the design concept and providing a useful resource as part of their toolkit to learn.
Badges for staff and students